“Suspicious” Plants Removed From A Dorset Parish Council Planter

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PICTURE – Tray Veronica

Six suspicious plants have been removed from a Dorset parish council display after concerns were raised by a resident.

Gardener Tray Veronica spotted the unusual greenery in a planter in West Parley, Dorset.

Gardener Tray Veronica was convinced the unusual greenery were cannabis plants when she spotted them in the planter in West Parley, Dorset.

The parish council said they were “not part of this year’s schedule” and have been handed to police to be identified.

West Parley Parish Council said it first became aware of the suspicious plants in one of the village’s floral displays on Wednesday.

It believed the planter “may have been tampered with and amongst the flowers was a plant not part of this year’s schedule”, it said in a statement.

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