A major incident was declared after an oil leak from a large oil field in Dorset

Screenshot 2023 03 26 At 23 47 56 Photopea Online Photo Editor

Wytch Farm

Image – Dorset Council

The UK Health Security Agency in the South West has issued a warning to the public regarding swimming in Poole Harbour and the surrounding area.

This is due to an oil leak that has contaminated the water. The source of the leak is the Wytch Farm facility, which is known to be one of the largest onshore oil fields in Europe. The Wytch Farm facility is located in the Purbecks and has been identified as the source of the oil leak.

The facility, operated by Perenco said “its incident management team was activated immediately” and the “leak was stopped”.

Leader of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, Philip Broadhead said “although the leak was contained, oil has escaped into the water and surrounding area”.

The UK Health Security Agency in the South West has said members of the public should not swim in Poole Harbour or the surrounding area, adding: “Anyone who has come into contact with the spill should wash immediately with soap and water.

“If eyes have come into contact with the spill, they should be rinsed with water.”

Dorset Police has said the incident is being “overseen by a number of local agencies. Please follow the advice not to swim in Poole Harbour or the surrounding area until further notice.”

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