Tragic Medical Emergency at Asda Newstead Road, Weymouth: Customer Pronounced Deceased

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Weymouth, UK – In a somber turn of events on Wednesday, January 17th, a medical emergency unfolded at Asda Newstead Road in Weymouth, leaving a customer tragically pronounced deceased. The incident occurred around 11:30 am on the first floor of the supermarket, prompting a rapid response from emergency services.

The South Western Ambulance Service received the distress call at 11:37 am, and swiftly dispatched two double-crewed ambulances, an operations officer, and even an air ambulance to the scene. Despite the prompt and comprehensive response, the customer could not be revived, and their demise was confirmed at the location.

A spokesperson for the South Western Ambulance Service commented on the incident, stating, “We were called at 11:37 hrs on Wednesday, January 17, to an incident in Weymouth. We sent two double-crewed ambulances, an operations officer, and an air ambulance.” The statement suggests that the emergency response team made every effort to provide immediate and advanced medical assistance.

In light of this unfortunate incident, attempts were made to seek a statement from Asda, where the incident transpired. However, the retail giant has chosen not to comment on the matter at this time.

“We asked Asda for a statement, who declined to comment,” stated our news source. Asda’s decision to remain silent on the matter may be influenced by privacy concerns or ongoing investigations into the incident.

The entire community and staff at Asda Newstead Road are undoubtedly shaken by the occurrence. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the family and friends of the deceased during this difficult time. The sudden loss of life is always a tragedy, and the community stands united in offering support to those affected.

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