Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner Election Candidates

Kallum Gethins By Kallum Gethins May2,2024
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Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner Electiosn 2nd May 2024

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The next Police and Crime Commissioner election will take place on Thursday 2 May 2024.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) plays no part in the election process.

Graham Farrant, the Chief Executive of Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council has been appointed as the Police Area Returning Officer (PARO) for Dorset for the 2024 Police and Crime Commissioner election.

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council is responsible for the nominations process for this election and information will be made available on its website.

Please contact the Elections Team at Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council for further information. 


The OPCC will treat all candidates equally and provide them with the same information. For this reason, we will publish details of information provided to candidates in an anonymised form.

A Candidate Briefing session will be held in Bournemouth Police Station in April. Attendance at this session will be limited to confirmed candidates only – those who have made a formal nomination which has been accepted by the Police Area Returning Officer.

The Police Area Returning Officer has confirmed that the following people stand nominated for election as a Police and Crime Commissioner for the Dorset Police area:


Howard Legg (Liberal Democrats) – Pledges via website

“I have the breadth and depth of experience to be Dorset’s next Police and Crime Commissioner. With a background spanning engineering, finance, education, and public service, I will bring my experience to Dorset Police.”

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David Sidwick (Conservative) – Pledges via website

“The plan is working with Dorset having gone from 10th to 7th safest place in the country. Anti-social behaviour, violent crime (with and without injury), rural crime are all significantly reduced. This is meaningless until everybody feels this everywhere and that challenge is one I will deliver.”

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David Stokes (Labour and Co-op) – Pledges via website

“As your Police and Crime Commissioner, I would work to see more police on the street. More neighbourhood and community policing working alongside specialist units to concentrate on violence against women and girls, drug dealing and serious violent crime.”

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Marianne Storey (Independent) – Pledges via website

“I will champion a police force that is visible – enabling us to reclaim our town centres, protect our rural areas and defend our coastal communities, whilst also galvanising the public sector to bolster prevention.”

A range of material of interest to PCC candidates has been signposted on the official PCC website

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